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Twickets Resales Are Now Open!

Twickets Resales Are Now Open!

(2 years ago)

End of the Road 2023 has now officially SOLD OUT! If you were lucky to bag a ticket, you’re in for an unforgettable weekend. If you missed out on tickets or are looking to shift any spares, fret not … we have once again partnered with face value or less ticket resale platform Twickets which is now open.

Twickets are our ONLY official reseller, so please do not use other platforms like Viagogo, Eventbrite or Stubhub as your tickets will not be valid. We try to delete and report every scammer operating on our Facebook and Instagram pages but some might escape through the cracks, so please be aware – do not buy directly through social media platforms. Better to be safe than sorry, pals.


We simplified the process this year, and you’ll be able to start the resale process via your TicketSellers account, using the same login you used to purchase your tickets. Click here for a step-by-step guide on how to safely resell your ticket.


If you’re looking for a ticket, head here!